Teaching Black Children (Well) Is A Revolutionary Act

Late this winter, just before the world turned upside down, we sat down with two people we admire.

Sharif El-Mekki, 26-year veteran educator, founded the Center for Black Educator Development. Mario Shaw, newer to the game but changing it, leads Profound Gentlemen, an organization focused on building community among male educators of color, coast to coast.

At the time, our conversation seemed urgent. We talked about identity, teaching as a revolutionary act, and a vision for schools with student wellbeing sitting at the center. Now, as the pandemic brings the injustices in our country into high relief, it seems downright prophetic.

To listen, click here.

And if your content supply is getting thin, we’ve got some other episodes that have made us think and given us hope — The Power of Poetry, An Author’s Dream, Teach the Babies, and The Power of Books. We hope they do the same for you.

In pursuit of extraordinary,

The Robertson Center Team

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